Part I of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 - Tenants' Rights of First Refusal
Wednesday 26th May 2021
Registration -
Seminar - 3pm - 4pm
We are pleased to inform you Edward Denehan will be holding a series of three, one-hour webinars on landlord and tenant issues. There is no charge for any of these events.
The series commences on Wednesday 26th May 2021 with consideration of certain aspects of Part I of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – Tenants’ Rights of First Refusal.
To book your free place at the first of these events on 26th May 2021, please email
Wednesday 26th May 2021 – 3pm
Part I of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – Tenants’ Rights of First Refusal
1. Landlords, tenants and premises to which Part I applies
2. Relevant disposals
3. The mechanics of Part I
Thursday 24th June 2021 – 3pm
Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – Management Orders
1. Applications and grounds
2. Jurisdiction of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)
3. Terms of management orders
Thursday 22nd July 2021 – 3pm
Part IV of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – Variation of Leases
1. Applications for an order to vary leases
2. The scope of orders varying leases
3. The effect of orders varying leases
To register for any of the above events or to receive future notification of our seminars,
please email us at
Please pass on this information to any colleagues who might find it of interest.