Real Property Seminar - Keeping up to speed
Monday 20th May 2019
The Gold Suite, The Hatton, 51-53 Hatton Garden, London EC1 8HN
Registration - 4:30pm
Seminar - 4.45pm to 7.15pm
Chaired by Mr Daniel Bromilow
Paul Wilmshurst
Common law dedication of highways: tricky issues and case law update
Paul Wilmshurst’s paper will cover the creation of public highways, looking in particular at the recent Slough Borough Council case from 2018 and its implications.
Thomas Cockburn
The Guardian Knott: Property Guardians and Possession, an update
Tom Cockburn will be considering property guardian schemes. These can be an effective and economical way of keeping an empty building secure, but if set up badly can cause serious problems when the time comes to develop or demolish a building. Tom will provide guidance on how to avoid the traps.
Philip Brown
The Particular Problem of Positive Covenants
Philip Brown’s talk will cover positive covenants on land, and the perennial difficulties faced in making positive covenants run with land. Philip will look at the various options and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Daniel Bromilow
Orthodoxy Reimposed – Restrictive Covenants and Section 84(1)
Daniel Bromilow will be looking at recent decisions on the discharge and modification of restrictive covenants under section 84(1). In light of those decisions, this area of the law is looking both more settled and more uncertain, with potentially troubling consequences
If you would like to book a place on this seminar or to receive future notification of our seminars please email us at