+44(0)20 7404 5055 | clerks@9stonebuildings.com

Andrew Shipley

Call 2017


Andrew joined 9 Stone Buildings in October 2020 on successful completion of his pupillage. He was supervised by Rory Brown, Martin Young, and Peter Shaw KC. He is building a broad chancery and commercial practice and accepts instructions in all core areas of chambers’ practice.

Prior to pupillage, Andrew was Judicial Assistant to the Rt Hon. Lord Justice David Richards, as he then was, and worked for the corporate law resource FromCounsel.

Practice Areas

Insolvency & Company +

Andrew regularly appears in both the High Court and County Court in insolvency matters. As well as appearing on bankruptcy and winding-up petitions, he has acted successfully to make and resist applications across the range of insolvency issues, including applications for material under s.236, validation of payments, and the fixing of officeholders’ remuneration.

Andrew also has substantial experience of pleading and advising on complex claims brought on behalf of insolvent estates, including in relation to breaches of directors’ duties and fraudulent trading.

  • Cross-border fraud; misappropriation of company money; contempt of court; contumacious breach of freezing orders; false statements in evidence; fabrications; lying to the court on oath; proceeding in contemnor’s absence. Led by Rory Brown also of 9 Stone Buildings represented Joint Liquidators in their application to commit Sanjiv Varma to prison for his contempts of court, Varma was sentenced to prison for 21 months (Atkinson v Varma [2021] EWHC 592 (Ch)).
  • Committal; Requirement of Intent; Disclosure Obligations; False Statements; Breach of Freezing Orders. Led by Rory Brown represented Joint Liquidators on contemnor’s appeal to the Court of Appeal. The appeal was unanimously dismissed and indemnity costs ordered (Varma v Atkinson [2020] EWCA Civ 1602, [2021] 2 W.L.R. 536)


Private Client +

Andrew has advised and appeared in a number of claims involving wills, trusts and estates, including in relation to the settlement of claims under the 1975 Act and removal of personal representatives.

Commercial +

Andrew is building a varied commercial practice. As well as trials and interlocutory applications in the County Court, he has experience of obtaining urgent interim relief in the High Court. He is also regularly instructed as junior counsel in major commercial disputes including civil fraud claims.

Land & Property +

Andrew is often instructed in matters of property law, acting in possession and forfeiture claims, procedural applications such as those for charging orders and possession and sale of secured property, matters of leasehold enfranchisement and renewal, and other landlord and tenant work.

Additional Information

BPTC (Very Competent) – BPP University Law School – 2017
GDL (Distinction) – City Law School – 2016
M.Phil in Medieval History (Pass) – Robinson College, University of Cambridge – 2015
BA (Hons) History (First) – Robinson College, University of Cambridge – 2014

Prizes and Scholarships

Lord Haldane Scholarship – Lincoln’s Inn – 2015
Titular Scholarship and College Prize – Robinson College, Cambridge – 2014


Chancery Bar Association

Andrew Shipley is an independent self-employed barrister registered with the Bar Standards Board of England; whose practice is governed by the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales which code can be found at www.barstandardsboard.org.uk; has full professional liability insurance provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Limited (ref BM 2930/081 ) (details of the world-wide cover are provided at www.barmutual.co.uk); is registered for VAT (reg. no. 357429570); and can be contacted during chambers opening hours by telephone at 02074045055 or by e-mail at clerks@9stonebuildings.com.

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