Commenting on ICC Model Contracts-Employment Contract - ICC SME LAB SERIES: Legal Essentials for Start-Ups - Lab #2 Organising Your Company
Thursday 3rd June 2021
Registration -
Seminar - 11:00-12:30 CEST
Session focus: You have just set up your company and signed your Shareholders Agreement. What else do you need to take care of? Relations with the directors and the employees. Guidance on key IP matters.
Even if you start a company with your best friend and hire your family members, you will need to make sure that you have a formal agreement in place to protect you and your company from litigation – should things ever turn contentious. And what about your ideas? How do protect your unique business concepts from being stolen and sold on to another company?
In this workshop, you will learn:
* About the following ICC Model Contracts: the ICC Model Employment Agreement, ICC Model Directors Services Agreement, the IP Guidance Document, and Boilerplate Clauses
* How the flexible provisions of these model contracts can help you draft your contracts effectively and efficiently to protect your company without breaking the bank
(ICC SME LAB SERIES – Legal essentials for start-ups: Future-proofing your business using ICC Model Contracts | ICC Knowledge 2 Go – International Chamber of Commerce ( [link])